Animal Totem Blend – Wolf

Animal Totem Blend: Wolf

Wolves go out of their way to avoid a fight—but if they or their family are threatened by a potential attacker they will fiercely stand their ground. Set your personal boundaries and STICK. TO. THEM. Protect what is most important to you. Harness your inner wild and protect your emotional and physical well-being. With Wolf as your totem it is time to breathe new life into your daily rituals—find a new path, start a new journey, take control of all aspects of your life. You are the creator of your reality—craft it with harmony and discipline and you will know the true spirit of freedom and independence.

Attributes of the Wolf: Personal Power, Balance, Loyalty, Self-Control, Fierce Independence, Harmony + Benevolence, Guardianship

  • Ylang ylang balances male + female energies, enhances spiritual attunement, and restores confidence and harmony.
  • Spruce releases emotional blocks, brings balance and a sense of harmony.
  • Balsam fir creates a feeling of strong grounding, anchoring, and self-empowerment.
  • Benzoin is used to bring emotional balance, dispel negative energy, and is frequently used to facilitate astral projection.
  • Patchouli re-establishes mental and emotional equilibrium, energizes the mind and brings balance to the brain hemispheres.
  • Rosemary clears mental fog and fatigue, amplifies analytic and mental ability.
  • Texas Cedarwood stimulates the limbic part of the brain which is the center of emotions and memory and the pineal gland which releases melatonin.
  • Cinnamon bark has a frequency to attract abundance in all aspects of one’s life.