Animal Totem Blend – Horse

Animal Totem Blend: Horse

Few animals evoke a sense of power and freedom like the Horse. No one single animal has contributed to the spread of civilization like the horse! Horses signify the expansiveness and freedom of the wind or the foam on the sea—riding one renews one’s strength and elevates our personal power. For such a powerful and large creature one does not expect to find a level of grace and honesty as with this creature. When our hearts feel burdened, Horse releases emotional blocks and past pain-- bringing with it journeys to carry you in new directions and the discovery of your own personal freedom and power.

Attributes of the Horse: Power + Passion, Freedom, Strength, Emotional Balance, Grace

  • Geranium is harmonic and balancing and assists one in connecting to the intuition and wisdom messages of the heart. Known for its support in releasing negative and painful memories, it is balancing to the emotions and fosters a sense of peace and well-being.
  • Ylang ylang balances male + female energies, enhances spiritual attunement, restores confidence and harmony.
  • Frankincense has uplifting citrus and woody notes, and is considered an excellent antidepressant. It is grounding and calming, lending itself to meditative use and deep introspection.
  • Benzoin is used to bring emotional balance, dispel negative energy, and is frequently used to facilitate astral projection.
  • Vetiver is used for emotional grounding and stabilizing the emotions. The oil is suited to the type of individual who constantly strives for perfection, but who loses touch with the ability to absorb and replenish, not letting things just be and knowing they have influenced a situation all they could.
  • Patchouli re-establishes mental and emotional equilibrium, aids in clarifying thoughts and allows us to discard jealousies, obsessions, and insecurities.
  • Peppermint clears mental fog and fatigue, amplifies analytic and mental ability.