Animal Totem Blend – Grackle

Animal Totem Blend: Grackle

Grackle is a brash sounding word; it evokes the qualities of a creature that is abrasive and stubborn. It’s hardly a surprise, then, that the grackle describes a bird that is a bold, noisy, and polarizing opportunist. Grackles are commonly found in urban environments. They thrive off of human leftovers and are extremely resourceful. Their adaptability combined with their brazenness around humans and their tendency to make lots of noise, has led them to be seen by many as a nuisance animal. In all fairness, the grackle is a decidedly gregarious bird. They are notorious for their repertoire of songs and calls which range from chattering calls and whistles, to squeaky metallic shrieks. Grackles approach life with an audacious attitude and are rarely deterred by the presence of humans in their vicinity. Repressed emotion has no place with Grackle. Release what you do not need, then find joy in what’s right in front of you.

Bottom line, Grackles really don’t care what you think—when you need to stop the cycle of people-pleasing or allowing your decisions or happiness to be connected to what others think of you or how you live your life uncork your Grackle blend! Eat the french fries, sit in a tree and scream, flock to those who offer treats and if they don’t, fly directly at them and just take what you gotdamn want.

Attributes of the Grackle: Bold, Fearless, Expressive, Intelligent, Adaptable, Stubborn, Gives ZERO FUCKS

Grackle got no boss.

  • Texas Cedarwood stimulates the limbic part of the brain which is the center of emotions and memory and the pineal gland which releases melatonin.
  • Ho Wood is used to help break unhealthy emotional patterns that cause one to hold on to dissatisfying situations. It can be used for courage to help face change and dare leaping into the unknown. It may be used to become aware and realize the nature of a problem, the first step before any change can occur.
  • Balsam Fir creates a feeling of strong grounding, anchoring, and self-empowerment.
  • Rosewood is an antidepressant and powerful aphrodisiac—it is both empowering and emotionally stabilizing. Rosewood balances the psyche and empowers the mind.
  • Tangerine invokes a childlike playfulness and aids in dispelling negative emotions and neural patterns while allowing the mind to tap into thoughts and ideas of creativity and joy.
  • Black Pepper energizes and clears energy blocks and is especially useful for the third chakra to promote healthy personal power, self-worth, courage, stamina, and self-control.