Animal Totem Blend – Dragon

Animal Totem Blend: Dragon

Among animal spirit guides Dragon is arguably the most ancient and imposing. Nor is there a character or symbol fraught with so much duality. Those seeking the power of this totem will inevitably struggle with the opposing sides of Dragon nature. The positive aspects of Dragon energy are bravery, passion, loyalty, and wisdom. However when not balanced, Dragon energy can become all-consuming and lead to negative traits such as greed, internal rage, narcissistic and egoist tendencies. The critical point to embrace here is BALANCE + HARMONY.

In the art of Feng Shui, Dragon represents fortune, authority, growth, luck and development. In Europe these formidable beings symbolize the ability to rise over circumstance and see things clearly. The Dragon spirit animal encourages you to embrace change and personal growth, adapting to new circumstances and letting go of habits or patterns that no longer serve you. Dragon symbolism and meaning encompasses the primordial natural forces on all planes of existence, longevity and the earliest of magick-- some of which have been lost to time. The never ending battles between knights and Dragons reflect the inner struggle of human kind to come to terms with the Spiritual or Ethereal nature.

Calling on Dragon medicine as your Power Animal is like having a key to the supernatural and the realm of true magick. It will take you time learning how to use that key effectively, however. all Dragon spirits have alchemical power, which means they hope to turn you into “gold” spiritually. This is a great gift, and one you should accept with both gratitude and humility. Invoking Dragon as your Power Animal means even greater responsibility for you on a Karmic level. Dragon will protect you when you work for the greatest good, but woe to those who begin reaching for power greedily. Because of the duality of this Totem, 3 primary layers of oils are blended to focus specifically on bringing forth the positive nature of your inner Dragon.

Attributes of the Dragon: Fearlessness, Passion, Intense Loyalty, Impulsivity, Rise Above Challenges, Highly Adaptable

To Promote Emotional Health + Balance:

  • Geranium is harmonic and balancing and assists one in connecting to the intuition and wisdom messages of the heart. Known for its support in releasing negative and painful memories, it is balancing to the emotions and fosters a sense of peace and well-being.
  • Cypress essential oil has one of the most distinct and profound psychological actions. The woody notes convey a feeling of cohesion and stability. At the same time, its fresh, coniferous pungency, and ability to circulate the Qi and blood, relate it to both psychological and real-life change. Cypress oil's basic subtle action, then, is to help us cope with and accept even difficult change.
  • Frankincense increases spiritual awareness, aids with visualization, and lends itself to meditative use and deep introspection.

For Confidence + Grounding:

  • Black Spruce enhances inner strength, and calms both mind and body. Its aroma releases emotional blocks and brings about a sense of balance, grounding, and steadiness.
  • Black pepper energizes and clears energy blocks and is especially useful for the third chakra to promote healthy personal power, self-worth, courage, stamina, and self-control.
  • Blue Tansy creates a feeling of grounding, anchoring, and empowerment.

For Acceptance + Abundance:

  • Cinnamon bark has a frequency to attract abundance in all aspects of one’s life.
  • Clove is a mental stimulant with the ability to stimulate the creative side of our brains, stimulate dreams and promotes a sense of courage and protection.
  • Sweet Orange unblocks and circulates stagnant Qi-energy, while also relieving tension and frustration and promoting joy and positivity.