Animal Totem Blend – Bat

Animal Totem Blend: Bat

The Bat is one of the most misunderstood mammals and Hollywood has done nothing to help the image. The cycle of power Bat represents is nighttime, the darkness. As diurnal creatures we are taught to fear the darkness and all that dwells within it. But from the places within us we fear the most, can only come true knowledge and understanding of self. True awakening comes from embracing things once fearful or foreign to us, shedding old ways, and allowing that which no longer serves us to figuratively “die”. Animal Tarot cards often utilize Bat as the Hanged Man—this is a very powerful image and demands we seek to see our life from a new perspective and to allow the passing of old ways for without death, there can be no rebirth! For many, change is always distressing but Bat teaches us to stop focusing on the past and look toward the infinite possibilities of the future.

Attributes of the Bat: Transition + Initiation, Rebirth + Death of Old Ways, Awakening

  • Cypress essential oil has one of the most distinct and profound psychological actions. The woody notes convey a feeling of cohesion and stability. At the same time, its fresh, coniferous pungency, and ability to circulate the Qi and blood, relate it to both psychological and real-life change. Cypress oil's basic subtle action, then, is to help us cope with and accept even difficult change.
  • Jasmine brings lightness of being and a sense of peace and happiness. Jasmine is uplifting and stimulating and indicated in times of stress, anxiety and nervous exhaustion and where fear or vulnerability could be preventing an open heart and open mind.
  • Black pepper energizes and clears energy blocks and is especially useful for the third chakra to promote healthy personal power, self-worth, courage, stamina, and self-control.
  • Black Spruce enhances inner strength, and calms both mind and body. Its aroma releases emotional blocks and brings about a sense of balance, grounding, and steadiness.
  • Cardamom increases Prana (life-force energy) and evokes feelings of calmness.
  • Clove is a mental stimulant with the ability to stimulate the creative side of our brains, stimulate dreams and promotes a sense of courage and protection.
  • Siberian Fir Needle is both uplifting AND grounding. Bringing the sense of the stillness in the forest, this psychologically establishes the imagery of grounding and deep roots that only being one with nature can provide.