Animal Totem Blend: Owl
The Owl Totem provides intuition, knowledge and clairvoyance. With its ability to unmask deception, the Owl guides people who need to see beyond the obvious. It invites you to see clearly in the dark and is emblematic of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. Owls are known for razor sharp vision and keen observation, and you’re likely to have the ability to see below the surface — that which is usually hidden to most. You can distinguish reality from fantasy and go beyond superficial appearances. The owl spirit reminds us to tap into our intuition to see beyond the surface and determine a person’s true motives or intentions. As a personal totem, the owl provides the inspiration and guidance necessary to explore the unknown, to change, transform, and experience the mystery and magic of life.
Attributes of the Owl: Wisdom + Insight, Intuitive Knowledge + Clairvoyance
- Marjoram is used specifically to open the Third Eye Chakra, the seat of our intuitive vision, by instilling balance to the mind.
- Frankincense increases spiritual awareness, aids with visualization, and lends itself to meditative use and deep introspection.
- Ho wood is used to help break unhealthy emotional patterns that cause one to hold on to dissatisfying situations. It can be used for courage to help face change and dare leaping into the unknown. It may be used to become aware and realize the nature of a problem, the first step before any change can occur.
- Bergamot is believed to have protective and purifying properties, as well as the ability to uplift the spirit and promote relaxation and used in spells for protection and luck.
- Benzoin is used to bring emotional balance, dispel negative energy, and is frequently used to facilitate astral projection.
- Balsam fir creates a feeling of strong grounding, anchoring, and self-empowerment.
- Ylang ylang balances male + female energies, enhances spiritual attunement, and restores confidence and harmony.